My Links!

There were lots of resources I used to create this site (I found out very quickly I was not good at HTML...) and I couldn't have done it without their creator's talent and graciousness in sharing their work!

sadgrl's layout maker

webmastering - layout resources

cheezitofthevalley - graphics

gummie guts - graphics

blikie's cafe - graphics

Below are some charities and causes I support that align with my beliefs! Please consider donating if you're in a financial spot to do so!

Marine Conservation

  • Coral Reef Aliance- Coral reef protection, conservation, and education
  • SEA LIFE TRUST- Marine animal rescue and habitat protection
  • The Ocean Cleanup- Ocean plastic cleanup efforts
  • Animal Nonprofits

  • Best Friends- No-kill animal sanctuary
  • Alley Cat Allies- Education around cats and legislation reformation
  • World Wildlife Fund- Conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats
  • If you happen to want to donate to me personally, I have a Ko-fi where you can donate as little or as much as you want!

    Mission Statement

    I believe in providing free entertainment, and I want nothing more than to tell my stories to you all. Every single one of my works is a passion project and funds come entirely out of my pocket and from the gracious support of many of my friends who offer their time and skills. None of my content will ever be put behind a paywall. If you happen to want to support me monetarily, I do have a Ko-fi where you can donate as little or as much as you want! Anything is very much appreciated, but absolutely not necessary, and I encourage donating to one of the causes on my Links page instead. You just enjoying my work is more than enough support! Thank you all for the love!